ZAO V2.1.1 Uninstall

To completely remove the ZAO V2.1.1 product from the installation system, you can run either of the provided ‘’ or ‘’ scripts with the ‘-r’ flag.


Performing this action and confirming that this is what you want to do will result in the complete removal of all data base files, container volumes, and container images provided with the ZAO V2.1.1 product. This action is generally considered to be unrecoverable and irreversible.

Only perform this action if you are absolutely sure this is what you want to do.
Note: The response to the removal confirmation message is case sensitive.
Sample Uninstall
$ ./zao_install -r

About to completely remove ZAO V2.1.1 GA from this system. Are you 
sure?? ( Y/n default=n ) Y

  Host system is running Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS ( matching Ubuntu 18. ) which is a supported ZAO V2.1.0.1 host operating system.
  Starting ZAO V2.1.0.1 GA product Uninstall.
  No active ZAO zaoui containers found to stop.
  No active ZAO beta UI containers found to stop.
  No active zaoimport containers found to stop.
  No active ZAO zao-api-sample API sample containers to stop.
  No active ZAO hclsoftware/zao-api-service API service containers to stop.
  No active busybox containers found to stop.
  ZAO V2.1.0.1 GA product removal is now complete.
To confirm that the removal has been performed, you can issue the following commands on the installation host which should return no results.
docker ps -a | grep zaoui
docker volume ls | grep zao_
docker images | grep zao

If there are no responses to the above commands, the zLinux uninstall process is now complete.

The z/OS component uninstall process must now be performed to be completely remove the ZAO product.