Converting history files between PDS and PDSE

When converting history files from PDS to PDSE data sets, or from PDSE to PDS data sets, set the minimum or maximum fault entries values. Failure to do this might cause unexpected results, including out-of-space conditions.

If the converted history file is a PDSE data set, do one of the following:
  • Run HFZUTIL with the SETMINFAULTENTRIES control statement.
  • Use the Change Fault History File Settings dialog in the ISPF interface to set the Minimum Fault Entries value.
If the converted history file is a PDS data set, do one of the following:
  • Run HFZUTIL with the SETMAXFAULTENTRIES control statement.
  • Use the Change Fault History File Settings dialog in the ISPF interface to set the Maximum Fault Entries value.