HFZS subsystem requirements for DB2

You must add DD statements for all DB2® subsystems that are not accessible via LINKLIST, and for which you want Z Abend Investigator to perform analysis:
  • If you have more than one version of DB2® installed.
  • If the DB2® load module library is not in LINKLIST.
Here is the DD statement format:
//DB2subsystem-id DD DISP=SHR,DSN=data-set-name
where subsystem-id is the DB2® subsystem ID (usually 4 characters), and data-set-name is the associated load module library. For a data sharing group, the group attach name is used as the subsystem ID, regardless of whether the DB2® subsystem is running in data sharing mode or not.
If, for example, the DB2® subsystem with an ID of DSN1 requires the load library DSN1.SDSNLOAD, which is not in LINKLIST, then add this JCL DD statement to the Z Abend Investigator HFZS subsystem job.

Do not include a DSNAOINI DD statement in the HFZS subsystem JCL, as this DDname is allocated dynamically by Z Abend Investigator as needed for the appropriate DB2® subsystem.

The HFZS subsystem needs EXECUTE access to the DSNACLI plan, and SELECT authority to the following SYSIBM catalog tables: