Configure the Default Messaging Service

About this task

  1. From the left panel of the WebSphere® Administrative Console, expand Resources→ JMS→ JMS Providers, then click Default messaging at the server level as scope.
  2. In the Connection Factories section, click New.
  3. On the New JMS connection factory panel, type in the following fields:
    JNDI name
    Bus name
    Provider endpoints
    hostname:Secure_SIB_ port_ number:BootstrapSecureMessaging

    where the Basic_SIB_port_number and Secure_SIB_port_number can be found by expanding Servers, then selecting your_application_server_name, then selecting Messaging engine inbound transports under the Server Messaging heading.

  4. Select again Resources → JMS → JMS Providers → Default Messaging at the server level as scope, locate the section Destinations and click Queues. Click New and type in the fields as follows:
    JNDI name=jms/MyQueue
    Bus name=MyBus
    Queue name=BusQueue
    Click OK.
  5. Select again Resources → JMS → JMS Providers → Default Messaging at the server level as scope, and locate the section Activation Specifications.
  6. Click JMS activation specification. Click New and type the fields as follows:
    JNDI name=eis/MyActSpec
    Bus name=MyBus
    Destination type=Queue
    Destination JNDI name=jms/MyQueue
    Click OK.