Create a Service Integration Bus

About this task

  1. Open the WebSphere® Administrative Console (for example, depending on the admin port you configured, http://localhost:9060/admin).
  2. Expand Service Integration and select Buses. The Buses panel is displayed.
  3. Click New to display the Buses configuration window.
  4. Type a name for the new bus, for example MyBus, click Next, then Finish to confirm. Now click the MyBus name to display the MyBus properties. Under Topology, click Bus Members. The Buses>MyBus>Bus members panel is displayed.
  5. Click Add, select the Server radio button, choose your_application_server_name, click Next, then click Finish.
  6. When the Confirm the addition of a new bus member panel is displayed, click Finish.
  7. Select Service Integration → Buses → MyBus → Destinations → New.
  8. Select Queue as the type, and click Next
  9. Type BusQueue as the identifier and assign the queue to a bus member. Then click Next. In the confirmation panel, click Finish.