How to define a rule in a condition

You can require either of the following condition rules:
  • All the condition dependencies must be true. This corresponds to the AND operator in the Boolean logic.
  • At least n out of all the condition dependencies must be true. This corresponds to the OR operator in the Boolean logic.
Within each condition dependency contained in the condition, depending on the type of check that you require on the conditional predecessor, you can specify one of the following types of checks:
To check the conditional predecessor return code or abend. The return code can be either numeric or a string, for example OSUF. An abend can be either a system abend, represented by a string starting with S, or user abend, represented by a string starting with U.
To check the conditional predecessor status.
In the required check you can use one of the following logical operators:
Greater than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
Greater than. Valid only for RC condition type.
Less than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
Less than. Valid only for RC condition type.
Equal to.
Not equal to. Use it to specify conditions on final statuses only C (Completed), E (Ended-in-error), or X (Suppressed by condition).
Range. Valid only for RC condition type.
Note: If you use the NOERROR or highest return code capabilities, the original return code is used to evaluate a condition dependency.