Rerunning an occurrence

By rerunning an occurrence, you can reset conditional successors that have already completed.

If you selected an operation as restart point, the scheduler automatically perform the following actions:
  • Modifies the status of conditional successors to W (Wait). Their conditions, if any, are forced to U (Undefined). The condition extended status is set to Forced by rerun.
  • Modifies the status of conditional predecessors to C (Completed) until a conditional predecessor with status C is found. Their conditions, if any, are forced to T (True). The condition extended status is set to Forced by rerun.
  • Because the X (Suppressed by condition) status is a final status equivalent to C status, the modification of conditional predecessors status stops also when a conditional predecessor with status X is found. In this case, the condition is left as F (False) and the extended status of the condition is set to Forced by rerun.

For more details, see Rerunning an occurrence in the current plan from a specific operation.