Specifying workstation open intervals

Before HCL Workload Automation for Z can start an operation, the workstation that the operation is defined on must be available. So, by controlling workstation availability, you control the running of operations defined on the workstation. HCL Workload Automation for Z establishes the availability of a workstation by using the open intervals in the workstation description database. These are the times when workstation resources and parallel servers are available to process work. If no parallel servers or resources are available, no work is run at the workstation.

In HCL Workload Automation for Z, workstations are usually created to represent specific elements in your system configuration; the availability of these workstations should reflect the availability of those elements in the real world. For instance, a computer workstation might be created for each z/OS® system in an HCL Workload Automation for Z complex. See How many workstations of each type?. So, the availability of the computer workstation should reflect the availability of the z/OS® system it represents. This prevents HCL Workload Automation for Z from submitting work to a z/OS® system that is not physically available. Also, the accuracy of any planning predictions that HCL Workload Automation for Z produces for you depends on how accurately you have described your installation to HCL Workload Automation for Z.

To change the STANDARD open interval, and to create other open intervals, and the associated number of resources, enter the ALL command on the AVAILABILITY OF A WORKSTATION panel (EQQWMAVL - Availability of a workstation). The ALL OPEN TIME INTERVALS panel will then be displayed.

Figure 1. EQQWMATL - All open time intervals
 EQQWMATL ------------------ ALL OPEN TIME INTERVALS --------------  ROW 1 OF 7
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

 Work station             : CPU1             Main JES processor

 Change data in the rows, and/or enter any of the following row commands:
 I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat,  D(nn),DD - Delete

 Row    Day of week or    Open time interval    Parallel   Resources   Alt.
 cmd    YY/MM/DD           HH.MM   -   HH.MM    servers     CR   R2    WS
 ''   STANDARD______     00.00       06.00       21       26   06    CPU2
 ''   STANDARD______     06.00       16.00       13       26   06    CPU2
 ''   STANDARD______     16.00       18.30       21       26   06    CPU2
 ''   STANDARD______     18.30       24.00       25       26   06    CPU2
 ''   SUNDAY________     00.00       08.00       10       26   06    CPU2
 ''   SUNDAY________     08.00       16.00       00       00   00    CPU2
 ''   SUNDAY________     16.00       24.00       10       26   06    CPU2
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

EQQWMATL - All open time intervals shows four intervals for STANDARD, and three intervals for SUNDAY. The CPU1 workstation has its availability and resources specified by STANDARD from Monday to Friday, it is closed on Saturday, and its availability and resources on Sunday are specified by the three SUNDAY intervals.