Submitting work on WTO workstations

This is how HCL Workload Automation for Z submits operations on WTO workstations:
  • The current plan is locked to prevent other tasks or users from updating the operations.
  • The best candidate for submission is chosen as described in Identifying the order of submission.
  • If the operation has been marked with a NOP, HCL Workload Automation for Z immediately sets the operation to complete.
  • HCL Workload Automation for Z gathers the operation text and builds the required WTO message.
  • A submit request is queued, which includes the WTO and the workstation destination.
  • If there are more operations eligible to start, HCL Workload Automation for Z will move on to the next best candidate. Up to 5 operations can be started.
  • The current plan lock is released.
  • HCL Workload Automation for Z determines the destination, which can be a submit/release data set, an XCF link, an NCF link, a TCP/IP link, or blank. If the destination is blank, the WTO is issued on the system that the controller in started on.
  • The workstation reporting attribute for the WTO workstation will determine what status the operation will be set to. Operations defined on workstations with automatic, or manual start and complete reporting will be set to S status. Operations on workstations defined with manual-complete-only reporting are immediately set to C status.

If the JTOPTS keyword QUEUELEN is specified, HCL Workload Automation for Z starts up to the number of operations defined by QUEUELEN. For information about the QUEUELEN parameter, see the JTOPTS statement.