NOP directive


This directive determines that the job does not run. Like the existing NOP command issued against an operation in the current plan, it produces the following results:
  • All triggers and dependencies are maintained.
  • Final operation status is set to complete.
Unlike the NOP command, this directive does not update the NOP indicator in the current plan (mapped by the CPOPNOP field of the CPOP data area or the CPLNOP field of the CPLREC3P record).


1  //*%OPC NOP

Usage Notes

Unlike the behavior for other directives, after the successful processing for this directive, the scheduler does not change the string //*%OPC to //*>OPC. Therefore, the NOP directive remains active after the processing. You must manually remove it when you no longer need it.

Special attention must be used when setting VARSUB (SCAN) in OPCOPTS. In this case, the NOP directive can be ineffective even if left active, for example, in the case the SCAN directive is not active (*>OPC SCAN instead of *%OPC SCAN) or, in the case it is not at all preceded by the SCAN directive.