Logging extended-auditing information to record updates to the database

In addition to logging updates to the current plan and recording auditing information for the requested files, you can also choose to log updates to the databases and record information for the requested files. You activate this extended-auditing function by setting AMOUNT(EXTENDED) in the AUDIT initialization statement.

The extended-auditing data is written to the EQQDBnn data sets, which are created by the EQQPCS14 sample. The extended-auditing records show the values that were set before and after the database was changed. Extended-auditing information can be requested only for the following files:
  • AD
  • CAL
  • JV
  • OI
  • PER
  • RD
  • RG
  • WS

The sample library contains an auditing package, which can be used to create reports from the extended-auditing data sets. For more information, see HCL Workload Automation for Z auditing package.