Line-length errors

Normally, job lines are a maximum of 71 characters. In jobs containing in-stream data, the in-stream data lines can be up to 80 characters. If the value of the variable being substituted is longer than the length of the variable name, truncation of the line might occur if the newly created line is longer than the maximum length allowed. For example, if you define a variable &data set, which has a length of 8 characters including the &, but give it a value ' set.NAME', with a length of 15 characters, you must ensure that there is enough room at the end of the line to allow for the substitution. If HCL Workload Automation for Z calculates that a line-length error will occur, substitution ends and the operation status is set to E, ended-in-error, with the error code OJCV. HCL Workload Automation for Z will, however, truncate comments on lines if necessary without giving an error.

HCL Workload Automation for Z substitutes variables in a series of passes. A truncation error occurs only if, after the final pass of a phase, the line produced is longer than permitted. The final pass is the pass that resolves the last remaining variable. During preceding passes, HCL Workload Automation for Z permits the line to extend beyond the normal limits of a job.

Note: It is recommended that substitution on in-stream data lines occur only for job library members that use the ISPF profile option STD numbers off. When STD numbers are present in columns 73–80, variable substitution on in-stream data lines can produce unpredictable results. Do not use the string OPCSMSG in positions 73-79, because HCL Workload Automation for Z uses this to position displayed lines at error messages.