JCL rebuild parameters

These JCL rebuild parameters control the rebuilding of the JCL:
Specifies a step or a list of steps that should be deleted from the inline JCL before rerunning the failed operation. You can also specify a range of step names to delete. HCL Workload Automation for Z supports this parameter only for jobs on host systems.
Specifies the name, or a list of names, of JCL procedure library members to be added to the inline JCL before rerunning the failed operation.
Specifies the name of the job or started-task step at which the operation should be restarted. HCL Workload Automation for Z supports this parameter only for jobs on host systems. If the operation specifies a data set cleanup action, HCL Workload Automation for Z performs the cleanup actions for all steps from the RESSTEP value up to and including the last step executed.
Note: RESSTEP on the RECOVER statement is a different, and simpler, function than the step-restart function in the MODIFYING THE CURRENT PLAN panel. MCP step restart retrieves the job log and uses it to rebuild the JCL. RESSTEP does not require the job log, unless data set cleanup is involved.
Specifies the name of a program exit module that should be called before the restart.