How the evaluation is done when no step-end event is received

It might happen that, at job-end time, a step dependency is not yet evaluated, because the event writer did not receive the step-end event for one of the following reasons:
Configuration error
The EWTROPTS initialization statement, for the tracker event-writer task, does not activate the step-end event generation.
Definition error
There is an error in the step dependency definition. For example, the step name specified in the dependency definition does not match any step in the JCL that actually ran.
In both cases the scheduler does the following actions:
  • Sets the condition to U (Undefined) status.
  • Marks the condition with the missing step-end flag.
  • Logs the EQQE127W message in the controller MLOG and in the system log.
  • Keeps the status of the conditional successor as W (Wait).
From the ISPF panels you can do the following actions to manage your workload if a missing step-end occurs:
Monitor missing step-end information
A column in the condition dependency list identifies the single dependencies that are undefined because of missing step-end information. For details, see the description of the BROWSING CONDITION DEPENDENCIES panel in EQQSOCCP - Browsing condition dependencies.
Reset the step dependency status
You are allowed to reset the U (Unresolved) step dependency to T (True) or F (False) in the current plan using a row command. For more information, see Changing and adding conditional dependencies.