Configuration requirements

To be able to implement variable substitution on these jobs, specify the following keywords in the HTTPOPTS initialization statement:
Specifies whether variable substitution is enabled for jobs with advanced options. YES means that variable scanning will be run on this type of jobs. NO means that variable scanning will not take place.
VARTABLES (GLOBAL |APPL |table1, table2, ...)
Identifies the variable tables that must be searched and the search order:
Points to the table defined in the GTABLE keyword of the OPCOPTS controller.
Points to the application variable table.
table1, table2, ...
Point to the tables named here. Their names can be no longer than 16 characters and the number of tables in this list is limited to 16.
Specifies whether the scheduler is to issue an error message when a variable substitution error occurs. If you specify NO, the variable string is left unchanged without any translation.