Dump data set (SYSMDUMP)

EQQPCS02 contains two allocations for the SYSMDUMP data set. For an HCL Workload Automation for Z address space, the data set is allocated with the low-level qualifier SYSDUMP. Allocate a unique SYSMDUMP data set for every HCL Workload Automation for Z address space. For the scheduler server jobs, SYSMDUMP is allocated with the low-level qualifier SYSDUMPS. EQQPCS01 contains the allocation for the SYSMDUMP data set for HCL Workload Automation for Z batch jobs; this data set is allocated with the low-level qualifier SYSDUMPB. The HCL Workload Automation for Z batch jobs can use the same data set. It is allocated with a disposition of MOD in the JCL tailored by EQQJOBS.

Furthermore, SYSMDUMP data sets should be defined with a UACC of UPDATE, that is, WRITE-ENABLED to all user IDs under which a job scheduled by HCL Workload Automation for Z might possibly be submitted. This is because the SUBMIT SUBTASK of the controller or of the tracker which is submitting a given job might abend while running under the user exit EQQUX001 supplied user ID (RUSER user ID) rather than under the user ID associated with the started task. If this occurs, DUMPTASK fails with an ABEND913 if the user ID in control does not have WRITE access to the SYSMDUMP data set.

The UACC of UPDATE access should be defined to all PIF, dialog, and Dynamic Workload Console servers. If a user is not authorized to update the SYSMDUMP data set, and a server failure occurs while running a request for that user, DUMPTASK fails with an ABEND 912. No diagnostic data will be captured.

Note: If you allocate the SYSMDUMP dataset on your own, consider that the SYSMDUMP allocation can also be changed to use LRECL=4160,RECFM=FBS,BLKSIZE=n*4160 (where "n*4160" is a system-determined multiple block size) according to the new possibilities offered by IPCS and z/OS V1.6 or later. The EQQJOBS allocation has been left unchanged, for compatibility with previous allocated datasets.