Setting up list tables and graphical attribute tables

The ISPF tables for list layouts, EQQRLDEF and EQQELDEF, are the default tables displayed for all HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog users in your installation. They can be modified to suit an individual user's requirements or you can create new defaults for all users in your installation. Modified tables are stored in the user's ISPF profile library under another member name. HCL Workload Automation for Z: Customization and Tuning describes how to modify the default tables for your installation.

GDDM® default values are used for graphical attributes. The defaults can be modified to suit the requirements of an individual user or you can create default values for all users. Modified defaults are stored in the EQQAXGRC member of the ISPF profile data set.

When setting up these tables for dialog users, keep the following points in mind:
  • When a user requests a graphical display using the GRAPH command, HCL Workload Automation for Z first searches through the ISPPROF library for the EQQAXGRC ISPF table. If it cannot find the table there, the product searches the ISPTLIB library for the table.
  • When a user modifies the graphical display attributes (using the ATTR command from within an HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog), the EQQAXGRC ISPF table is written to the ISPPROF library.
  • When a user displays an ended-in-error list, HCL Workload Automation for Z first searches for the layout in the EQQELOUT table on ISPPROF. If it cannot find the layout there, the product uses the layout from the EQQELDEF table on ISPTLIB.
  • When a user modifies an ended-in-error list layout, the changes are written to the EQQELOUT table.
  • When a user displays a ready list, HCL Workload Automation for Z first searches for the layout in the EQQRLOUT table of ISPPROF. If it cannot find the layout there, the product uses the layout from the EQQRLDEF table on ISPTLIB.
  • When a user modifies a ready list layout, the changes are written to the EQQRLOUT table.