Graphical user interfaces

About this task

One graphical user interface is packaged with the product. You can use it in addition to, or in place of, ISPF:
Dynamic Workload Console
The Web-based user interface for the entire HCL Workload Automation suite of products. It is the strategic user interface for the suite and includes support for the latest functions and enhancements featured in HCL Workload Automation for Z.

The console gets access to the controller by way of the HCL Workload Automation for Z connector component, which is installed by default with the Dynamic Workload Console and is connected to HCL Workload Automation for Z by TCP/IP. For detailed information about how you install the Z connector with the Dynamic Workload Console, see Installing the Dynamic Workload Console.

The Dynamic Workload Console and HCL Workload Automation for Z connector are components that you install and run on distributed platforms, Windows, UNIX, and Linux.

One Z connector can be used to communicate with multiple HCL Workload Automation for Z controllers, and can serve multiple machines running Dynamic Workload Console . The graphical user interface and Z connector are installed in the installation directory of the same computer.

The Dynamic Workload Console manual is Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.

The Dynamic Workload Console documentation is also part of the HCL Workload Automation library and is in the following HCL Workload Automation guides:
HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide
Documents configuration and miscellaneous administrative tasks for Dynamic Workload Console.
HCL Workload Automation: Troubleshooting Guide
Documents logging and tracing Dynamic Workload Console and explains how to troubleshoot Dynamic Workload Console problems.
HCL Workload Automation: Messages and Codes
Documents Dynamic Workload Console messages.
These manuals are available in the IBM Knowledge Center: HCL Workload Automation welcome page
Additional publications specific to Dynamic Workload Console are:
Dynamic Workload Console Download Document
Provides you with detailed information about downloading the product installation images. You can access it at Product Requirements.
Dynamic Workload Console Detailed System Requirements
A dynamically maintained document which provides detailed information about the supported platforms, the hardware and software prerequisites, and the supported client browsers. You can access it at Dynamic Workload Console Detailed System Requirements.
Dynamic Workload Console Release Notes
A dynamically maintained document that contains the following topics:
  • What is new in the release
  • Interoperability tables
  • Software limitations and workarounds
  • Installation limitations and workarounds
  • Internationalization Notes
  • Documentation updates
  • APARS fixed in the release
You can access it at