Application description data set (EQQADDS)

The application description data set contains application descriptions and JCL variable tables. This data set is allocated as a spanned data set by EQQPCS01. It has a default maximum record size of 131 072. This allocation limits the variable definitions in a variable table to 275   (131 072/476 = 275), provided there are no variable dependencies. If you also use variable dependencies, the number of variables in a JCL variable table is less than 275.

If you will use a greater number of variable definitions in a variable table, allocate the application description data set with a greater record size. To calculate how great the record size should be, use this method:
  LRECL = 86 + (maximum number of variables in one table * 476) +
  (number of variable dependencies * 88)

where 86 is the length of the header record, 476 is the length of each variable record and 88 is the length of each variable dependency record.

This VSAM data set must be allocated with share option set to 3 SHR(3). Do not use share option 2 or 1.
Note: HCL Workload Automation for Z supports VSAM extended addressability for the AD data set, therefore its size can exceed 4 GB.