Choose the MSG keyword to specify a message failure. You use this keyword when an HCL Workload Automation for Z problem causes an HCL Workload Automation for Z error message. The message might appear at the system console or in the HCL Workload Automation for Z message log, or both. If you use the end-to-end feature, the messages also appear in the STDLIST subdirectory of the work directory (defined by the WRKDIR keyword of the TOPOLOGY statement).

The messages issued by HCL Workload Automation for Z appear in the following formats:
  • EQQFnnnC
  • EQQFFnnC
  • EQQnnnnC
The message is followed by the message text. The variable components represent:
F or FF
The HCL Workload Automation for Z component that issued the message
nn, nnn, or nnnn
The message number
A severity code of I (information), W (warning), or E (error).

HCL Workload Automation for Z message-number examples

  •    EQQW002E
  •    EQQSU21E
  •    EQQ0370W
The message log of the end-to-end server can list also HCL Workload Automation messages. They have the following format:
For message reference, see HCL Workload Automation: Messages and Codes.

If the message of the log file contained in the STDLIST directory does not have the EQQ or AWS prefixes, your problem is probably not associated with HCL Workload Automation for Z, and you should not use the MSG keyword.

Turn to Message (MSG) procedure to describe the problem.

Note: In cases such as the following, you might want to use INCORROUT in addition to the MSG keyword:
  • A message describes conditions that do not apply to the actual program operation.
  • A message text has not appeared.
  • A message text appears to contain incorrect data.
  • HCL Workload Automation for Z has printed a message that starts with EQQ and the message is not documented, or is not documented correctly, in Messages and Codes.
  • A message is issued under conditions that should not have resulted in it being issued.