Information needed for a specific problem type

When you have chosen a problem-type keyword, see Initial problem analysis, collect problem documentation and create a keyword string to describe the problem. To do this, gather the information for the specific problem (the associated keyword is in parentheses).
  • System or user abnormal-termination procedure (ABEND or ABENDU)
  • Documentation procedure (DOC)
  • Incorrect output procedure (INCORROUT)
  • Loop procedure (LOOP)
  • Message procedure (MSG)
  • Performance procedure (PERFM)
  • Wait procedure (WAIT)
  • Procedure to resolve event-reapplying problems at controller startup

After collecting the documentation using a specific procedure, go to Information needed for all problems to complete the problem description. You can use the HCL Workload Automation for Z problem description sheet, see Problem description sheet, to record all the information related to the problem.