Re-creating the current plan from the long-term plan

About this task

If the current plan has, for some reason, become unusable, you can build a new current plan from the long-term plan after using the REFRESH function.

Attention: You should use the REFRESH function only when you have no alternative because it deletes your current plan. Make sure that you cannot recover using the backup current plan or new current plan before you use REFRESH.
To refresh the current plan:
  1. In the SERVICE FUNCTION panel, select option 5, REFRESH (you must be authorized to use this function). The scheduler displays a confirmation panel.
  2. Type Y to start the refresh. The request is sent to the subsystem for processing by the normal mode manager task.
To re-create the current plan:
  1. Enter the HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog, and select option 3, DAILY PLANNING on the main menu.
  2. On the panel Producing OPC Daily Plan, select option 2, EXTEND. Define the start and end of the new plan, and submit the daily plan batch job to create a new current plan.
  3. On the panel Service Functions, select option 1, DEACTIVATE job submission.
  4. When a new current plan is created by the batch job, it is taken over by HCL Workload Automation for Z. All HCL Workload Automation for Z dialogs are then made available again. Once this happens, enter the Modify Current® Plan dialog to set the correct status for all operations in the current plan. All application occurrences that have already completed should be deleted, and occurrences that are in progress must be updated with current information.
  5. When all operations have been given the correct status, enter the panel Service Functions, and enable job submission again.
Note: If the refresh function is selected in error, you can re-create the current plan from the new current plan (for details, see Re-creating the current plan from the new-current-plan and the JT archive log).