Recovering from errors on the current-plan-extension data set

About this task

HCL Workload Automation for Z maintains the current-plan-extension file in a data space. The data space is loaded from the EQQCXDS file on DASD. When a current plan backup occurs, the data space is refreshed to the EQQCXDS data set. If an error occurs on the data set, HCL Workload Automation for Z attempts initial recovery by copying the data space to the data set. If this is not possible, the file must be re-created.

If the EQQNCPDS and EQQNCXDS data sets are valid, perform these actions:
  1. Cancel HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  2. Allocate a new CX data set.
  3. If you allocated the data set with a new name, update all JCL (ddname EQQCXDS) to reference the new data set.
  4. Specify CURRPLAN(NEW) on the JTOPTS statement.
  5. Start HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  6. Remove CURRPLAN(NEW) from the JTOPTS statement.
If the EQQNCXDS data set is valid but no valid EQQNCPDS data set exists, perform these actions:
  1. Cancel HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  2. Allocate a new CX data set.
  3. If you allocated the data set with a new name, update all JCL (ddname EQQCXDS) to reference the new data set.
  5. Specify CURRPLAN(CURRENT) on the JTOPTS statement. CURRENT is the default value.
  6. Start HCL Workload Automation for Z.

If both EQQNCPDS and EQQNCXDS cannot be used, you must create a new current plan from the LTP. Re-creating the current plan from the long-term plan describes how you do this.