Processor storage

Some amount of paging and swapping is normal for systems that serve a lot of users, or have a significant amount of data in virtual storage. The impact on your system performance from this activity is not normally severe. The few more I/O operations per transaction for paging and swapping are not usually a significant increase on the I/O that would be required without paging and swapping.

If performance is important, define the HCL Workload Automation for Z address spaces as non-swappable.

The virtual storage of a processor may far exceed the size of central storage available in the configuration. Any excess must be maintained in auxiliary storage (DASD), or in expanded storage. This virtual storage occurs in blocks of addresses called pages. Only the most recently referenced pages of virtual storage are assigned to occupy blocks of physical central storage. When reference is made to a page of virtual storage that is not currently in central storage, the page is brought in from DASD or expanded storage to replace a page in central storage that is not in use and is least recently used. The newly referenced page is said to have been paged in. The displaced page may need to be paged out if it has been changed.

HCL Workload Automation for Z uses a significant amount of virtual storage, both in the controller address space and by the batch programs that create the current plans.

The local shared resources (LSR) buffering technique is used by HCL Workload Automation for Z for the current plan data set; a percentage of the current plan determined by the CPDTLIM keyword on the OPCOPTS statement is kept in LSR buffers above the 16-megabyte line. These LSR buffers are deleted and rebuilt at every current plan backup to ensure that the percentage of the plan that you want is always in storage.

Five data spaces are also created and maintained by the HCL Workload Automation for Z address space:
The size of calendar data space is dependent on the number of calendars defined.
Special resources
The special resource data space contains all special resource referenced in the current plan.
Critical path
The critical path data space contains the data required for critical path processing.
Modify current plan
The Modify Current Plan data space contains portions of the in-storage operations and occurrences.
Current plan
The current plan data space contains portions of the in-storage operations and occurrences, created when building the network of data to simulate the scheduling, during DP batch processing.
The data spaces are automatically extended by HCL Workload Automation for Z to accommodate additional data.