
This command prints Report 08-Job Histogram.


rep8 -V|-U

     [-f date -b time -t date -e time]
     [-i file]
     [-p ]

     [-b time -e time]
     [-i file]
     [-p ]

Run the command from the TWS_home directory.


Displays the command usage information and exits.
Displays the command version and exits.
-f date
Specifies to print job history from this date forward. Enter the date as yyyymmdd. The default is today's date.
-b time
Specifies to print job history from this time forward. Enter the time as hhmm. The default is the HCL Workload Automation startOfDay.
-t date
Specifies to print job history up to this date. Enter the date as yyyymmdd. The default is the most recent date.
-e time
Specifies to print job history up to this time. Enter the time as hhmm. The default is the HCL Workload Automation start of day time.
-i file
Specifies the name of the log file from which job history is extracted. Note that log files are stored in the schedlog directory. The default is the current Symphony file.
Note: Ensure that the time range specified by the [-f date -b time -t date -e time] arguments is within the date and time range defined in the -i file log file name.
Specifies to insert a page break after each run date.


Any time you run rep8 the output of the command contains the information stored until the last time you run JnextPlan, the information related to the run of the current production plan will be contained in the rep8 output the next time you run JnextPlan. For this reason if you run rep8 after having generated the production plan for the first time or after a ResetPlan command, the output of the command contains no statistic information.


Print a job histogram which includes all information in the current plan (Symphony file):
Print a job histogram beginning at 6:00 a.m. on 1/25/2005, and ending at 5:59 a.m. on 1/26/2005:
rep8 -f 20050125 -b 0600 -t 20050126 -e 0559 -i schedlog/M199801260601
Print a job histogram, from the current plan (Symphony file), beginning at 6:00 am, and ending at 10:00 pm:
rep8 -b 0600 -e 2200