Setup for using report commands

About this task

To configure the environment for using report commands set the PATH and TWS_TISDIR variables by running one of the following scripts:
  • . ./TWS_home/ for Bourne and Korn shells in UNIX®
  • . ./TWS_home/tws_env.csh for C shells in UNIX®
  • TWS_home\tws_env.cmd in Windows®

The report commands must be run from the TWS_home directory.

The output of the report commands is controlled by the following environment variables:
Specifies the destination of the output of a command. The default is stdout. You can set it to any of the following:
Writes the output to a file.
> filename
UNIX® only. Redirects output to a file, overwriting the contents of the file. If the file does not exist it is created.
>> filename
UNIX® only. Redirects output to a file, appending to the end of the file. If the file does not exist it is created.
| command
UNIX® only. Pipes output to a system command or process. The system command is always run.
|| command
UNIX® only. Pipes output to a system command or process. The system command is not run if there is no output.
Specifies the output style for long object names. With value LONG, full length (long) fields are used for object names.

If the variable is set to anything other than LONG, long names are truncated to eight characters and a plus sign. For example: A1234567+.

You should use a fixed font size to obtain the correct format of the reports outputs.