Container deployment issues

Check the steps to do if you run into deployment issues.

About this task

If a problem occurs during the deployment, check the steps described below to solve it.

Docker compose


  1. Check the system requirements Prerequisite information when deploying with containers
  2. Make sure that all required configuration parameters have been correctly configured (e.g. license, WA_PASSWORD, DB parameters, etc.).
  3. Make sure that the external port mapping does not collide with ports already used by other processes.
  4. Activate the debug mode by performing the following steps:
    • Remove all containers by launching the "docker rm -f wa-server wa-console wa-db2" command.
    • Remove the associated volumes by launching the "docker volume prune" command.
    • Edit the docker-compose.yml file by adding “- WA_DEBUG=yes? under the environment variables (this prevents the containers to exit after the failure).
    • Launch again the services by using "docker-compose up -d".
    • Enter the container name by using "docker exec -it container_name_or_id /bin/bash".
    • Check the logs
  5. If you find an error in the logs, check the detailed logs in /home/wauser/wadata/installation/logs

Red Hat OpenShift


  1. See the system requirements documented in the readme IBM Workload Automation for OpenShift V4.x and Prerequisites information when deploying on OpenShift for OperShift 3.x.
  2. Make sure that all required configuration parameters have been correctly configured in the custom resources (OpenShift 4.x) or in the template.yml file (OpenShift 3.x), for example, license, pools, storage class, to name a few.
  3. From the OpenShift command line, check the POD logs by launching the "oc logs -f pod_name" command. If launched with the -f (--follow) option, it shows useful information about the installation phase. From the OpenShift platform, go to Stateful Sets section in Applications, double click on PODS and then click on the POD's name to see the related logs.
  4. Activate the debug mode to check the container installation and configuration logs by setting true the "WA_DEBUG" parameter in the configuration file.
  5. If you find an error in the logs, check the detailed logs in /home/wauser/wadata/installation/logs

IBM Cloud Private


  1. See the system requirements
  2. Make sure that all required configuration parameters have been correctly configured (e.g. license, DB parameters, password secret, etc.).
  3. Check the POD logs by launching the "kubectl logs pod_name" command. If launched with the -f (--follow) option, it shows useful information about the installation phase (e.g. "kubectl logs -f myrelease-waserver-0").
  4. Activate the debug mode to check the container installation and configuration logs by adding the flag to "Container debug for support only troubleshooting" in the "Helm Release" page.
  5. If you find an error in the logs, check the detailed logs in /home/wauser/wadata/installation/logs