Switching the master to a backup

About this task

A backup workstation for the master domain manager and another workstation for the dynamic domain manager are an essential asset to ensure business continuity and data integrity in your environment.

There are two ways in which the switchover to a backup master domain manager can occur:

A manual, planned switchover procedure
You can switch the master domain manager to a backup master domain manager at any time, either for a short term or for a long term (the original master is not expected to return to service before the next new production period turnover), using the switchmgr command.
An automatic failover process
Starting with version 9.5 Fix Pack 2, you can rely on the automatic failover feature, where, given a list of available backups, the workload is switched over to the backup. See Automatic failover for more information.

When selecting a workstation to be a backup, the same rules apply to both the automatic failover and the manual switching of the master. Backup workstations must have compatible operating systems with the master and the backup master domain manager must be installed on a system that is not currently defined in the workload scheduling network. For more information about these topics see Selecting a workstation for the backup master domain manager and Changing an agent to become a backup master domain manager.

In the following topics you can find information about how to enable the automatic failover process, and how to manually switch a master domain manager, and a dynamic domain manager for a Z controller.

If you lose or want to plan to change a master domain manager or dynamic domain manager, the same comments in the section Switching a domain manager apply, but in addition, consider the sub-topics in this section.