Reason Codes for EQQAxxx

The following table lists the reason codes that can appear in some error messages with EQQAxxx prefix. For more information about a reason code, refer to the related message.

Reason code Meaning (reason for failure) Related message
1 Resource is unknown EQQA627, EQQA638
2 Resource already exists EQQA627, EQQA638
3 Operation failed EQQA627, EQQA638
4 Unsupported operation EQQA627, EQQA638
5 The request is not valid EQQA627, EQQA638
6 Illegal statement EQQA627, EQQA638
7 Service unavailable EQQA627, EQQA638
8 Requested resource not found EQQA627
9 Resource name not unique EQQA627, EQQA638
100 The protocol is not valid. Only HTTP, HTTPS are accepted EQQA628, EQQA638
101 Server host not specified EQQA628, EQQA638
102 Protocol not specified EQQA628, EQQA638
103 Server port not specified EQQA628, EQQA638
104 The connection is already initialized EQQA628, EQQA638
105 The connection is not initialized EQQA628, EQQA638
106 Error opening connection EQQA628, EQQA638
107 Server HTTP response exception EQQA628, EQQA638
108 The broker server is unreachable EQQA628, EQQA638
109 The server port contacted is wrong EQQA628, EQQA638
110 Timeout expired during the communication EQQA628, EQQA638
111 Error streaming data from/to the broker server EQQA628, EQQA638
112 Error initializing SSL channel EQQA628, EQQA638
113 Error sending data to the broker server EQQA628, EQQA638
114 Error initializing SSL channel EQQA628, EQQA638
115 Generic internal communication error EQQA628, EQQA638
201 Error allocating and deallocating memory EQQA629, EQQA638
300 An HTTP SELECT request was received with no input data EQQA638
301 Retrieval of the HTTP SELECT input segment failed EQQA638
302 The HTTP SELECT request destination has an invalid method EQQA638
303 The HTTP SELECT request destination was not found EQQA638
304 The HTTP SELECT request has an invalid HTTP destination type EQQA638
305 The attach of the C process failed EQQA638