Working with objects in the plan

Provides examples of using the Java API to work with objects in the plan.

The following examples indicate how you use the classes to work with objects in the plan:

Example 4: Submitting a job stream instance into the current plan

This procedure requires the following main steps:
  1. Obtain the required job stream definition from the database
    ConnPlan myPlan;
    //Get an instance of ConnPlan interface...
    String alias = "SBJBF1_1";
    JobStream js = null;
    JobStreamInPlan jsip = null;
    //If you already have a JobStream in the DB with Identifier jsDbID...
    		 //get it from the DB
    		 js = (JobStream)(myPlan.getTWSObject(JobStream.class,jsDbID,false,null));
  2. Transform it into a JobStreamInPlan:
    //Transform it in a JobStreamInPlan. 
    //TODAY is a variable representing the scheduled time
    		 jsip = myPlan.makeJobStreamInPlan(jsDbID, TODAY, alias, null);
    catch (ConnException e) 
            		 		 //Something went wrong...
    catch (ConnEngineNotMasterException e)
    		 //Since the makeJobStreamInPlan is available also on FTAs 
    		 //(it's on the Plan interface), an exception must be thrown 
    		 //if it is called on an engine that is not the master 
  3. Add the JobStreamInPlan to the plan:
    List idList = new ArrayList();
    		 //Add the job stream to the plan.
    		 //This method returns a list of Identifiers because the job stream can be 
    		 //defined on a Workstation class, so you have an ID for each workstation 
    		 //of the class
    		 idList = (ArrayList)myPlan.addJobStreamInstance(jsip, null);
    catch (ConnException e) 
    catch (ConnEngineNotMasterException e)

Example 5: Making a query on the plan

The following example lists the first five jobs that begin with the letter "A":

String nameFilter = "A*";
int howMany = 5;			
QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter();
qf.setFilter(JobInPlanFilters.JOB_NAME, nameFilter);
QueryResult qr = null;
       		 qr = myPlan.queryPlanObject(JobInPlan.class, qf, howMany, null);
catch (ConnException e) 