HCL Workload Automation API projects

Describes API projects.

API projects

The projects here described are intended to connect to an instance of the corresponding version of HCL Workload Automation and interact with it using methods provided by Java API.

Structure of an API project

API project Wizards provide a structure containing everything you must need to connect to the required HCL Workload Automation instance:
Java source tree (src)
Separate directories for the source and class files.
Java libraries
A JRE System library and separate libraries are available for the HCL Workload Automation object and runtime jars.
A keys directory
A directory containing *.jks file needed to access through the HCL Workload Automation secure login.
A config directory
A directory containing all the configuration files you need to specify to connect to HCL Workload Automation.
One or more Java compilation units
A compilation unit includes a class that implements the Java interface for the connection to HCL Workload Automation. Another is an empty compilation unit with the classpath already configured and ready to be completed with the program logics you need.
A standard ANT build file that you modify to suit your requirements.

Creating API projects

You create API projects in one of two ways:
Creating a project from scratch
You run a wizard, supplying information about what sort of project you want to create.
Creating a project from an API example
From a list of examples you select an API project similar to the project you want to create.
You then edit the new project so that it carries out the required task.