JES job states

JES job states with respect to HCL Workload Automation lists JES job states with respect to HCL Workload Automation.
Table 1. JES job states with respect to HCL Workload Automation
HCL Workload Automation Job StateJES Job StateComment
introNot available HCL Workload Automation is starting the method.
wait QueuedJob is queued.
waitNot available If the job remains in this state, it might be due to a security violation in z/OS. Check the job on the z/OS system.
execExecuting Job is running.
succ CompletedJobʼs condition code meets the completion criteria in the HCL Workload Automation job definition.
abend CompletedJob condition code does not meet the completion criteria in the HCL Workload Automation job definition, or a system or user abend has occurred. System abend codes, in hexadecimal, are prefixed with "S", and user abend codes, in decimal, are prefixed with "U". Both types of code are written to the job stdlist file.
extrnNot availableStatus unknown. Can occur only when checking a job that is used as a dependency.