Launching JES jobs

To launch and monitor a JES job, HCL Workload Automation passes the name of the JCL data set or partition data set it wants to run to the z/OS gateway, which, in turn, submits it to JES. Submissions occur using dynamically allocated internal readers in JES. The gateway allocates an internal reader at the start of each task and then submits the job to the reader.

When a job is submitted, the job name and JES job ID are also entered in the Tablespace. When an SMF record containing relevant job scheduling data is passed through the IEFU84 exit, the job and condition code information are made available to HCL Workload Automation. Because HCL Workload Automation keeps track of both the job name and the JES job ID, it can check for the specific job it submitted. (Currently, the Gateway uses Type 30 SMF records and also subtypes 1, 4, 5.)

HCL Workload Automation checks submitted jobs periodically to see if they are active. If an HCL Workload Automation-submitted job is not active and no information about it is found through the IEFU84 exit, the job is marked as abend in HCL Workload Automation displays. This situation might occur if a job fails for security reasons or JCL syntax problems.