Setting up options for using the user interfaces

About this task

To use the Dynamic Workload Console, the connection parameters are supplied within the console and saved as part of its configuration.

To use the HCL Workload Automation command line client, you need to provide the following setup information (called the connection_parameters) to connect to the master domain manager via HTTP/HTTPS using the WebSphere Application Server Liberty infrastructure:
The hostname of the master domain manager.
port number
The port number used when establishing the connection with the master domain manager.
JSON Web Token
Specify the JWT to be used for authentication between the master domain manager and agents. You can retrieve the token from the Dynamic Workload Console. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the username and password parameters. The JWT authentication applies to the commands you launch in the shell where you specify the JWT.
user name, password
The credentials, user name and password, of the TWS_user. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the JSON Web Token parameter.
proxy hostname
The proxy hostname used in the connection with the HTTP protocol. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the JSON Web Token parameter.
proxy port number
The proxy port number used in the connection with the HTTP protocol.
The protocol used during the communication. This can be HTTP with basic authentication, or HTTPS with certificate authentication.
The timeout indicating the maximum time the connecting user interface program can wait for the master domain manager response before considering the communication request as failed.
default workstation
The workstation name of the master domain manager you want to connect to.
SSL parameters
If you have configured your network to use SSL to communicate between the interfaces and the master domain manager, you need also to supply the appropriate set of SSL parameters (which depends on how your SSL is configured).

In the case of the command line client installed on the master domain manager, this configuration is performed automatically at installation.

For the command line client installed on other workstations, this information can be supplied either by storing it in properties files on those workstations, or by supplying the information as part of the command string of the commands you use.

The properties files referred to are the localopts and useropts files:
This contains a set of parameters applicable to the local workstation for a specific instance of the installed product. See Localopts details
This contains a subset of those localopts parameters that have custom values for a specific user. The path of this file is within the user's home directory, which maintains the privacy of this information. See Setting user options for details about useropts.

Because HCL Workload Automation supports multiple product instances installed on the same machine, there can be more than one useropts file instance of each user. The possibility to have more useropts files, having a different name each, provides the ability to specify different sets of connection settings for users defined on more than one instance of the product installed on the same machine.

In the localopts file of each instance of the installed product the option named useropts identifies the file name of the useropts file that has to be accessed to connect to that installation instance.

This means that, if two HCL Workload Automation instances are installed on a machine and a system user named operator is defined as user in both instances, then in the localopts file of the first instance the local option useropts = useropts1 identifies the useropts1 file containing the connection parameters settings that user operator needs to use to connect to that HCL Workload Automation instance. On the other hand, in the localopts file of the second HCL Workload Automation instance the local option useropts = useropts2 identifies the useropts2 file containing the connection parameters settings that user operator needs to use to connect to that HCL Workload Automation instance.

For more information about configuring this access, see Configuring command-line client access authentication.