Performing a direct upgrade of the Dynamic Workload Console and its database

Perform a direct upgrade of the Dynamic Workload Console from version 9.5.0.x to version 10.2.x. If you have several Dynamic Workload Console nodes in a cluster, upgrade all the nodes in the cluster.

About this task

When updating the HCL Workload Automation environment, it is a good practice to update the Dynamic Workload Console first. If you update the console, you can then use it to verify that your environment is working after updating the remaining components.


  1. Log in to the workstation where you plan to install the Dynamic Workload Console.
  2. On UNIX operating systems, ensure that umask is set to 022. To verify that umask is set to the correct value, from a command prompt, run the umask command. If the value is different from 022, modify it by running the following command:
    umask 022
    On Windows operating systems, ensure you have the correct rights on the folder where you plan to install.
  3. Download the installation images from Flexnet or from HCL Software.
  4. Browse to the folder image_location.
  5. If possible, stop all Dynamic Workload Console instances.
    If this is not possible, launch the configureDB script at a time when the Dynamic Workload Console is processing a low workload. If the configureDB script should fail because of conflicts with the Dynamic Workload Console, restart the script.
  6. If your current version is earlier than 10.2.1, your certificates need to be updated before they can work with version 10.2.2. The update is performed automatically, but you need to provide the password for the certificates. Define an environment variable with name JKS_SSL_PASSWORD and set it to the password you defined for the certificates. You can optionally encrypt the password using the secure script. For more information about the secure script, see Optional password encryption - secure script.
  7. To update the database version, run the following command:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript configureDb.vbs --rdbmstype db_type --dbhostname db_hostname --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password --dbadminuser db_administrator --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./ --rdbmstype db_type --dbhostname db_hostname --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password --dbadminuser db_administrator --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
    On z/OS operating systems
    ./ --rdbmstype db_type --dbhostname DB_hostname
    --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user
    --dbadminuser DB_admin_user --dbadminuserpw DB_admin_pwd
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db --zbufferpoolname buffer_pool_in_zOS_location
    For more information about all parameters and supported values of the configureDb command, see Database configuration - configureDB script.
  8. Start the upgrade by launching the following command:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript dwcinst.vbs --acceptlicense yes --inst_dir INST_DIR
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --inst_dir INST_DIR
    On z/OS operating systems
    ./ --acceptlicense yes --inst_dir INST_DIR

    For further details about commands, see Reference.

What to do next

You have now successfully upgraded the Dynamic Workload Console. You can now proceed to upgrade domain managers using the procedure described in Performing a direct upgrade of agents and domain managers.