Parallel upgrade from version 9.5.0.x to version 10.2.x

About this task

How to upgrade your environment using a parallel upgrade procedure.

This procedure is documented in less detail than other procedures because it is less widely used.

Note: If one or more components are installed on RHEL 9 or later, implement the workaround described in Installation or upgrade fails on RHEL version 9 and later before getting started.

If you are using default certificates in your current environment, before you start the upgrade, ensure you convert the certificates from the .jks to the .pem format and copy them to the workstations where you plan to install the server components and the Dynamic Workload Console. For the complete procedure, see Converting default certificates.


  1. Converting default certificates
  2. Installing WebSphere Application Server Liberty
  3. Upgrading the database for the Dynamic Workload Console
  4. Installing the Dynamic Workload Console
  5. Upgrading the database schema for the dynamic domain manager
  6. Installing a new dynamic domain manager configured as a backup
  7. Upgrading the database schema for the server components
  8. Installing the new master domain manager configured as a backup
  9. Making the switch permanent
  10. Customizing and submitting the optional FINAL job stream
  11. Configuring security
  12. Installing a new backup dynamic domain manager
  13. Cleaning up your environment
  14. Dismiss all back-level components
  15. Upgrading agents and domain managers
  16. Optionally install a new backup master domain manager at version 10.2.2 to ensure failover capabilities.