Creating and populating the database for the dynamic domain manager

Instructions for creating and populating the HCL Workload Automation database for the dynamic domain manager

About this task

This graphic describes the current step: creating and populating the database for the dynamic domain manager.

The procedure for creating the database for the dynamic domain manager is identical to that of the master domain manager, with the exception that an additional parameter, component_type, must be passed to the script.

For the complete procedure for creating and populating the database, see Creating and populating the database, then select the procedure related to the database you are using.

To create a DB2 database for the dynamic domain manager submit the following command:
On Windows operating systems
cscript configureDb.vbs --componenttype DDM --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbport db_port --dbname db_name -–dbuser db_user 
    --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
On UNIX operating systems
./ --componenttype DDM --dbhostname db_hostname 
     --dbport db_port --dbname db_name -–dbuser db_user 
     --dbadminuser db_administrator 
     --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
To create an Oracle database for the dynamic domain manager submit the following command:
On Windows operating systems
cscript configureDb.vbs --componenttype DDM --rdbmstype ORACLE 
    --dbname service_name -–dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password 
    --dbhostname db_hostname --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password 
On UNIX operating systems
./ --componenttype DDM --rdbmstype ORACLE 
    --dbname service_name -–dbuser db_user --dbpassword db_password
    --dbhostname db_hostname --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password 
To create an Informix database for the dynamic domain manager submit the following command:
On UNIX operating systems
./ --componenttype DDM --rdbmstype IDS 
    --dbname db_name -–dbuser db_user  
    --dbhostname db_hostname --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
To create an MSSQL database for the dynamic domain manager submit the following command:
On Windows operating systems
cscript configureDb.vbs --componenttype DDM --rdbmstype MSSQL 
    --dbname db_name --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
On UNIX operating systems
./ --componenttype DDM --rdbmstype MSSQL 
    --dbname db_name --dbhostname db_hostname 
    --dbadminuser db_administrator 
    --dbadminuserpw db_administrator_password
The HCL Workload Automation for which the database is installed. When installing a dynamic domain manager, specify DDM.
--dbhostname db_hostname
The host name or IP address of database server.
--dbport db_port
The port of the database server.
--dbname db_name
The name of the HCL Workload Automation database. Note that this name must match the name specified in the serverinst command. For more information about the serverinst command, see Server components installation - serverinst script. When creating the database on Oracle, this parameter indicates the service name.
--dbuser db_user
The user that has been granted access to the HCL Workload Automation tables on the database server.
--dbpassword db_password
(Oracle DB only) The password for the user that has been granted access to the HCL Workload Automation tables on the database server. Special characters are not supported.
The database administrator user that creates the HCL Workload Automation schema objects on the database server.
--dbadminuserpw db_admin_password
The password of the DB administrator user that creates the HCL Workload Automation schema objects on the database server. Special characters are not supported.


You have now successfully created and populated the HCL Workload Automation database.

What to do next

You can now proceed to Creating the HCL Workload Automation administrative user.