
When installing an HCL Workload Automation components, consider the following prerequisites.

For a complete list of the correct versions to install, see the System Requirements Document at HCL Workload Automation Detailed System Requirements.

For a complete list of system requirements (disk spaces, temporary spaces and RAM usage), see HCL Workload Automation Detailed System Requirements.
Open Liberty
The latest versions of Open Liberty can be downloaded from Get started with Open Liberty.
If you already have WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base installed, you can use it with HCL Workload Automation, otherwise you can install Open Liberty, as described below.
Before you install HCL Workload Automation for the first time, you must have one of the following databases installed. The following requirements apply to the RDBMS systems:
DB2® Enterprise Server Edition

You can install DB2® Server and the master domain manager or Dynamic Workload Console on the same workstation, then configure the database drivers from any workstation in your environment.

You can install DB2® manually.

You can install Oracle in the following ways:
Oracle Enterprise Edition
The advantage of choosing Oracle Enterprise Edition is that you can implement the Oracle Partitioning feature to improve the performance of event-driven workload automation. This improves rule management performance, in particular the following queries: event_rule_instance, action_run, and operator_messages. For information about event-driven workload automation, see Running event-driven workload automation.
Oracle Standard Edition
Oracle Standard Edition does not include the Oracle Partitioning feature. Installing this edition does not improve the performance of event-driven workload automation.

For supported versions, see the HCL Workload Automation System Requirements Document at HCL Workload Automation Detailed System Requirements.

  • When installing the product on a 64-bit library operating system, use an Oracle database on a 64-bit library.
  • When upgrading:
    • If you already have an RDBMS installed and you want to upgrade it, you must upgrade it after you upgrade HCL Workload Automation.
    • Use an Oracle database on a 64-bit library when installing the product on a 64-bit library.
For information about upgrading the RDBMS, see Data maintenance.
Before you create the HCL Workload Automation schema on the database, you must have created the following db and sb spaces:
  • A db space sized 100 MB and with a page size of 8K or greater, referred to as DBSPNAME in the properties file customization steps.
  • A db space space sized 20 MB, referred to as TWS_DBSP_LOG in the properties file customization steps.
  • An sb space for blob and clob data, sized 100 MB, referred to as TWS_SBSP in the properties file customization steps.
A decentralized backend, handling user authentication, data storage, and validation. Hosting an instance is very simple, so you can decide where you want to store your data, gaining complete control and ownership over your data.

Before you create the HCL Workload Automation schema on the database, you must have created the directory where the HCL Workload Automation table spaces will be placed when the HCL Workload Automation schema is created. The default is C:\MSSQL.

Azure SQL
A family of managed, secure, and intelligent products that use the SQL Server database engine in the Azure cloud
Google Cloud SQL for SQL server
A fully-managed database service that helps you set up, maintain, manage, and administer your relational databases on Google Cloud Platform.