How do I connect a new master domain manager to an existing Dynamic Workload Console?

procedure to share certificates between a new master domain manager and an existing Dynamic Workload Console

About this task

If you install a new master domain manager and you want it to connect to an existing Dynamic Workload Console, you need to import the master domain manager certificates into the Dynamic Workload Console keystore. The same procedure applies if you modify the certificates on the master domain manager.

Perform the following steps:


  1. Upgrade the Dynamic Workload Console.
  2. Install a new master domain manager.
  3. Copy to the workstation hosting the Dynamic Workload Console the ca.crt file from the master domain manager.
  4. Stop WebSphere Application Server Liberty for the Dynamic Workload Console, as described in Application server - starting and stopping.
  5. Run the following command to convert the certificate to the p12 format and import it into the Dynamic Workload Console keystore:
    keytool -importcert -alias my_alias -keystore path/TWSServerTrustFile.p12 
    -storetype PKCS12 -rfc -file path/ca.crt
  6. Start WebSphere Application Server Liberty for the Dynamic Workload Console, as described in Application server - starting and stopping.


The master domain manager and Dynamic Workload Console can now communicate in SSL mode.