Setting up for command line audit reporting

About this task

Before running these reports you must perform a few setup steps:
  1. The software needed to run these reports is contained in a package named TWSBatchReportCli included in the HCL Workload Automation installation image, in the TWSBatchReportCli directory. If you plan to run them from within a scheduled job, extract the package file on one of the operating systems listed at Dynamic Workload Console Detailed System Requirements.
    After extracting the package, you obtain the following file structure:
    report structure
    Because the native UNIX tar utility does not support long file names, if you are extracting the files on AIX® systems, ensure that the latest GNU version of tar (gtar) is installed to extract the files successfully.
    1. Make sure you run the following commands in the directory where you extracted the files:
      On UNIX
      chmod -R +x * 
      chown -R username *
      On Windows
      Ensure HCL Workload Automation is installed.
      setown -u username *
      Where username is the HCL Workload Automation user that will run the reports.
    2. If you plan to schedule jobs that run these reports, the system where you extract the package must be accessible as network file system from a fault-tolerant agent defined in the local scheduling environment.
  2. If you use an Oracle database, download the JDBC drivers required by your Oracle server version.
  3. Copy the JDBC drivers in the report_cli_installation_dir\jars directory and in report_cli_installation_dir\ReportEngine\plugins\\drivers directory. The report cli automatically discovers the two jar files.
  4. Configure the template file .\config\ by specifying the following information.
    1. If you use an Oracle database, connect to the database where the historical data are stored as follows:
      1. Retrieve the location of the Oracle JDBC drivers. This information is stored in the property in the file, located in
        On Windows operating systems
        On UNIX operating systems
        For more information about this file, see Configuring for an Oracle database.
      2. Specify the location of the Oracle JDBC drivers in the PARAM_DataSourceUrl property in the file.
      No customization is required if you use DB2.
    2. Set the date and time format, including the time zone. The file .\config\timezone.txt contains a list of time zones supported by HCL Workload Automation and the information on how to set them. The time zone names are case sensitive.
    3. Make the report output available on the URL specified in ContextRootUrl field. This is an example of the configuration settings:
      # HTTP Server information
      	#Specify the context root where the report will be available
      	#To leverage this possibility it needs to specify in the report output dir
      	#the directory that is referred by your HTTP Server with this contect root
      In this case, en sure that the output_report_dir specified when running the reports command points to the same directory specified in the ContextRootUrl.
    4. Send the report output using a mail. This is an example of the configuration settings:
      # Email Server configuration
      	#SMTP server
      	#IMAP provider
      	#POP3 provider
      	# Email properties
      	PARAM_EmailSubject=Test send report by email
      	PARAM_EmailBody=This is the report attached
    An explanation of all the customizable fields is contained in the template file.