Auditing facilities

Describes the audit facilities to track changes in the database and the plan, as well as those that track changes to objects involved in dynamic workload scheduling.

In the Dynamic Workload Console, operators and schedulers can review all changes to scheduling objects, both in the database and in the plan, discover which user performed a specific change, and when the change was performed. Admnistrators can request that each user provide a justification when making changes to an object and log this information in audit trails. Application developers and schedulers can compare and restore previous versions of each changed object, and promote the job workflow from development to test or production environments.

For more information about how to keep track of changes from the Dynamic Workload Console, see Keeping track of changes to scheduling objects.

Audit trails are useful to check enforcement and effectiveness of IT controls, for accountability, and vulnerability and risk analysis. IT organizations can also use auditing of security-related critical activities to aid in investigations of security incidents. When a security incident occurs, audit trails enable analysis of the history of activities (who did what, when, where, and how) that occurred prior to the security incident, so appropriate corrective actions can be taken. For these reasons, audit trails might need to be archived and accessible for years.

For more information about maintaining audit trails, see Database and plan audit.