Audit log header format

Each log file starts with a header record that contains information about when the log was created and whether it is a plan or database log.

The header record fields are separated by a colon ( : ), as follows:

HEADER:<GMT_date>:<GMT_time>:<local_date>:<local_time>:<object_type>: >
  <workstation>:<user_ID>:<version>: <level>
Log Type
GMT Date
The GMT date when the log file was created.
GMT Time
The GMT time when the log file was created.
Local Date
The local date when the log file was created. The local date is defined by the time zone option of the workstation.
Local Time
The local time when the log file was created. The local time is defined by the time zone option of the workstation.
Object Type
DATABASE for a database log file and PLAN for a plan log file.
Workstation Name
The HCL Workload Automation workstation name for which this file was created. Each workstation in the HCL Workload Automation network creates its own log.
User ID
The HCL Workload Automation user ID that created the log file.
The version of the file.
The logging level.