Local options file example

The following is an example of a default localopts file:

Note: Some parameters might not be present depending upon your version and configuration.
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL**   
# 5698-WSH    
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved.
# (c) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2023 All rights reserved.
# * Trademark of International Business Machines
# ** Trademark of HCL Technologies Limited
# The HCL Workload Scheduler localopts file defines the attributes of this
# workstation, for various processes.
# General attributes of this workstation:
merge stdlists      =yes
stdlist width       =0
syslog local        =-1
restricted stdlists =no
# The attributes of this workstation for the batchman process:
bm check file      =120
bm check status    =300
bm look            =5
bm read            =3
bm stats           =off
bm verbose         =off
bm check until     =300
bm check deadline  =0
bm late every      =0
# The attributes of this workstation for the jobman process:
jm job table size  =1024
jm look            =300
jm nice            =0
jm promoted nice   =-1				#UNIX
jm promoted priority =AboveNormal	#WINDOWS
jm no root         =yes
jm file no root    =no
jm read            =10
jm load user profile= on
jm loaduserprofile =on
# The attributes of this workstation for the TWS mailman process:
mm response        =600
mm retrylink       =600    
mm sound off       =no
mm unlink          =960
mm cache mailbox   =yes
mm cache size      =512
mm resolve master  =no
autostart monman   =yes
mm symphony download timeout =0
# The attributes of this workstation for the netman process:
nm mortal          =no
nm port            =31111
nm read            =10
nm retry           =800
# The attributes of this workstation for the writer process:
wr read                =600
wr unlink              =180
wr enable compression  =no
# Optional attributes of this Workstation for remote database files
# mozart directory =         C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA/TWS/mozart
# parameters directory =     C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA
# unison network directory = C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA/TWS/../unison/network
# The attributes of this workstation for custom formats 
date format             =1	# The possible values are 0-yyyy/mm/dd, 1-mm/dd/yyyy, 2-dd/mm/yyyy, 3-NLS.
composer prompt         =-
conman prompt           =%
switch sym prompt       =<n>%
# The attributes of this workstation for the customization of I/O on mailbox files
sync level              =low
# The attributes of this workstation for networking
tcp timeout             =300
tcp connect timeout     =15
# General Secure options
SSL auth mode           =caonly
# Use "SSL auth string" only if "SSL auth mode" is set to "string"
SSL auth string					=tws
# This flag set to "yes" enables the FIPS 140-2 policies. The default value is "no".
SSL Fips enabled        = no
# Netman full SSL port, use "nm SSL full port"it on if "enSSLFullConnection" is set to "yes"
# the value "0" means port close
nm SSL full port = 31113
# Netman SSL port
# the value "0" means port close
nm SSL port             =0
# End General Secure options

# OpenSSL options
# This section is ignored for agent dynamic only
# when custom certificate are provided in SSL folder by the user, 
# these lines are substituted by the installation with correct datadir path
# pointing to the following files: "tls.crt", "tls.sth", "tls.key", "tls.rnd", "ca.crt"

SSL key                 =
SSL certificate = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\certs\TWSClientKeyStore.p12"
SSL key pwd = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\certs\tls.sth"
SSL CA certificate = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\certs\TWSClientTrustStore.pem"
SSL random seed = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\certs\tls.rnd"
SSL cert type = "P12"

SSL Ciphers = 
SSL Version = atleast.TLSv1.2
#CLI SSL server auth =
CLI SSL Ciphers = 
CLI SSL Version = atleast.TLSv1.2
#CLI SSL server certificate =
#CLI SSL trusted dir =
#----------------------- End OpenSSL options --------------------------------

# Encryption options
encrypt keystore file = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\aes\key.p12"
encrypt keystore pwd = "C:\Program Files\HCL\TWA\TWS\ssl\aes\key.sth"
encrypt label = "default"
#decrypt label list =
#----------------------- End Encryption options ----------------------------------

# The TWS instance has been installed as REMOTE CLI
IS REMOTE CLI = no		# yes for a REMOTE CLI installation, no otherwise

# Attributes for CLI connections
# General attributes for CLI connections
HOST              =        # Master hostname used when attempting a connection.
PROTOCOL          = https            # Protocol used to establish a connection with the Master.
PORT              = 31116            # Protocol port
#PROXY            =
#PROXYPORT        =
TIMEOUT           = 3600		     # Timeout in seconds to wait a server response.

USEROPTS          = useropts_ITAuser

# Event Management parameters
CAN BE EVENT PROCESSOR = yes # yes for MDM and BKM, no otherwise

# Centralized Agent Update
#DownloadDir = 

# Current Folder
#current folder = /

# Appserver Watchdog default settings
Appserver check interval =                      3               #minutes
Appserver auto restart =                        yes             #yes/no
Appserver min restart time =                    2               #minutes
Appserver max restarts =                        5               #restarts number
Appserver count reset interval =                24              #hours
Note: The "REMOTE CLI" term indicates the command line client.