Alert overview dashboard

In the alert overview dashboard you can view the full list of alert instances and change their status to resolved.

About this task

From AIDA left-hand sidebar, select Overview to open the alert overview dashboard.
A summary section contains the following information:
  • The number of alerts defined in AIDA.
  • The number of alert instances in open status.
  • Date and time of the latest retraining process for all KPIs.
You can click the Retrain all KPIs button to retrain AIDA prediction model for all KPIs immediately. KPIs Retrain cannot be scheduled by AIDA users.
Note: Every 24 hours AIDA runs an automatic retrain of all KPIs. The start time of the automatic retrain is the start time of the Orchestrator container. After adding a special day to AIDA prediction model or making changes to the prediction tuning parameters, if you want the configuration changes to take immediate effect, you can request a retraining at any time.
The Alert Instances section contains a table with all the alert instances that have been generated. The search bar allows you to search for one ore more alert instances.The table displays the following information:
Instance ID
The ID of the alert instance.
Alert Description
The description of the related alert.
The severity of the alert instance. For details, see Basic concepts.
Detection Time
Date and time when the alert instance was generated.
Anomaly Source KPI
The KPI that generated the alert instance.
Resolution Status
The alert instance status. Can be: Open or Resolved. If you want to dismiss an alert instance because you already resolved it, select the status Resolved in the instance row. If you want to resume an alert instance, select the status Open

To run a detailed analysis on an alert instance, click on the Instance ID in the alert instance row. For details, see Analyzing an alert instance.

An action icon is available for each alert instance to Add a Comment about the alert instance and its resolution. Click Save to save your comments.

To view only the resolved instances, click the Resolved button on top of the Alert Instances table. To view only the open instances, click the Open button.
Note: Alert instances in Open status are automatically marked as Resolved after a time period defined by the RESOLVE_ALERTS_AFTER_DAYS parameter configured for AIDA Exporter component (default value = 1 day).