Business scenario: restarting a specific process of the process chain

You might decide to restart a single process as a preparation step before restarting the failed processes of a process chain. A failed process might have corrupted some data, so you run the single process to restore the data and set up the required system state before you rerun the other processes in the process chain.

Suppose you are using InfoPackages and process chains to extract data from one or several sources and you want to transform this data into managerial reports, for example by using aggregate functions. If the process that transforms this data fails, it might corrupt the data that the preceding InfoPacakge process had successfully extracted. After fixing the problem with the transformation process, you must restart the InfoPackage extraction process to reload the data, even though this extraction process had completed successfully before. Restart the failed transformation process only after the data has been reloaded, either by restarting the failed processes of the process chain or by restarting just the failed transformation process.

On an extended agent, from the Monitor Jobs view on the Dynamic Workload Console, select the process chain and click Rerun, then specify PROCESSprocessID as the step to rerun, where processID is the identifier of the process you want to restart.

To restart a specific process of the process chain, from the Monitor Jobs view on the Dynamic Workload Console, select the process chain and click More Actions > Restart Process Chain and then select the Restart from a specific process option, specifying the process ID in the SAP Process ID field.