Task string to define Business Warehouse InfoPackages and process chain jobs

This section describes the task string parameters that control the running of the Business Warehouse InfoPackages and process chain jobs. You must specify them in the following places when you define their associated HCL Workload Automation jobs:
  • If you use the Dynamic Workload Console, in the SAP command line field of the Task page of the SAP job definition panel.
  • As arguments of the scriptname keyword in the job definition statement, if you use the HCL Workload Automation command line.
  • As arguments of the JOBCMD keyword in the JOBREC statement in the SCRIPTLIB of HCL Workload Automation for Z, if you are scheduling in an end-to-end environment.

The string syntax is the following:

Job definition syntax

-jobjob_name -i { ipak_ | pchain_ } [ -debug ] [ -trace ] [ -flag { imm | immed } ] [ -flag { enable_pchainlog | disable_pchainlog } ] [ -flag { enable_ipaklog | disable_ipaklog } ] [ -flag { level_all_pchainlog | level_n_pchainlog } ] [ -flag { pchainlog_chains_only | pchainlog_chains_and_failed_proc | pchainlog_complete } ] [ -flag { enable_pchainlog_bapi_msg | disable_pchainlog_bapi_msg } ] [ -flag { enable_pchain_details | disable_pchain_details } ] [ -flag { pchain_rerun | pchain_restart | pchain_refresh } ]
The parameters are described in Task string parameters for SAP jobs.
Table 1. Task string parameters for SAP jobs
Parameter Description GUI Support
-job job_name The name of the task to be run. It is either an InfoPackage technical field name, or a process chain name. This parameter is mandatory.
-i {ipak_ | pchain_} One of the following:
Target job is an InfoPackage
Target job is a process chain
-debug Turns on the most verbose r3batch trace. This option is for debugging the extended agent and should not be used in standard production.
-trace Turns on the SAP RFC trace.
When you use this option, a trace file is created in the HCL Workload Automation methods directory. In UNIX, this trace file is called dev_rfc. In Windows, the file is called rfcxxxxx_xxxxx.trc. The methods directory is located in:
On UNIX operating systems
On Windows operating systems

This option is for debugging the extended agent and should not be used in standard production. Ensure that you delete the trace option from the job after you have performed debug procedures. The trace file can become very large and unmanageable.

-flag {imm | immed} Specifies to launch the job immediately, meaning that if there are no spare work processes, the job fails.
-flag {enable_pchainlog | disable_pchainlog} Enables or disables retrieval and appending of the process chain job log in the HCL Workload Automation stdlist. Disable if the size of the log affects performance. A related configuration option can be set for this purpose at a more general level. See r3batch common configuration options.
-flag {enable_ipaklog | disable_ipaklog} Enables or disables retrieval and appending of the InfoPackage job log in the HCL Workload Automation stdlist. Disable if the size of the log affects performance. A related configuration option can be set for this purpose at a more general level. See r3batch common configuration options.
-flag {level_n_pchainlog | level_all_pchainlog}
Allows for retrieval of process chain logs down to the process chain level you specify.
Specifies that the process chains are logged down to, and including, the level represented by number n.
Specifies that all the process chains are logged.

The default is level_1_pchainlog.

A related configuration option can be set for this purpose at a more general level. See r3batch common configuration options.

-flag {pchainlog_chains_only |
pchainlog_chains_and_failed_proc |

Specifies what type of process chain-related logs will be retrieved.
Only the process chains are logged.
In addition to the process chains, all the processes that failed are also logged.
The process chains and all processes are logged.

The default is pchainlog_complete.

A related configuration option can be set for this purpose at a more general level. See r3batch common configuration options.

-flag {enable_pchainlog_bapi_msg |

Enables or disables retrieval of additional messages from the BAPI calls from the SAP Business Warehouse process chains and appends them to the HCL Workload Automation stdlist.

-flag {enable_pchain_details |

Enables or disables the display of details about the process chain job. A related configuration option can be set for this purpose at a more general level. See r3batch common configuration options.
-flag {pchain_rerun | pchain_restart | pchain_refresh} Determines the action that HCL Workload Automation performs when you rerun a job that submits a process chain.
HCL Workload Automation creates another process chain instance and submits it to be run again.
HCL Workload Automation restarts the original process chain from the failing processes to the end.
HCL Workload Automation updates the status and details of the original process chain.

For more details about rerunning a process chain, refer to Rerunning a process chain job.

Note: Typically, the -debug and -trace options are for debugging the extended agent and should not be used in standard production.
The following is an example for an InfoPackage job whose technical field name is ZPAK_3LZ3JRF29AJDQM65ZJBJF5OMY:
-job ZPAK_3LZ3JRF29AJDQM65ZJBJF5OMY -i ipak_