SRSTART – Special Resource common details (SRCOM segment)

Use the SRSTART statement to define the common part of a Special Resource.

Table 1. Keywords for SRSTART
Keyword Description
DROP Specifies a date in the format YYMMDD, or + or – a number of days, which ensures that any Interval Date preceding that date is dropped from the Interval.

For example, to drop any dates over a year old, issue the following command:



RESNAME The name of the resource, up to 44 characters. The name of the special resource is translated to uppercase. You can include national characters in the name, but you are recommended not to include % and *, because HCL Workload Automation for Z uses these for filtering and searching in the panels. It is also good practice not to use the comparison operators: greater-than symbol (>), less-than symbol (<), caret (^), equals sign (=), or blank spaces. These might by used in search arguments passed by programming interface programs.
GROUP The resource group, up to 8 characters. The group ID is for selecting subsets of resources in the panel (a list filter).
HIPER Whether the resource represents a Data Lookaside Facility (DLF) object:
The resource does not represent a DLF object (default).
The resource represents a DLF object.

For more details about hiperbatch and the Data Lookaside Facility, see Managing the Workload.

USEDFOR Whether the resource is used for:
Planning, when the current plan is extended
Control, when an operation starts
Both planning and control
Neither planning nor control
ONERROR What happens if an operation that allocates this resource ends in error (and does not have an overriding keep-on-error specification in the operation definition):
Free the full allocation of this resource, both those allocated exclusive and those allocated shared
Free the full shared allocation of this resource
Free the full exclusive allocation of this resource
Keep the full allocation of this resource
Use the value specified in the ONERROR keyword of the RESOPTS statement. For details about this statement, see Customization and Tuning.
DESCR A description of the resource, up to 46 characters.
ONCOMPLETE The value to which the global availability is reset after the operation that uses the resource completes:
Sets the global availability to Yes.
Sets the global availability to No.
Sets the global availability to blank.
Uses the system default, according to the following order:
  1. The On Complete value set at operation definition level, if not blank.
  2. The On Complete value set at special resource definition level, if not blank.
  3. The ONCOMPLETE or DYNONCOMPLETE keyword value, respectively set for the not dynamically added resources or the dynamically added resources, in all the other cases.
MAXTYPE The value to which the global availability of the resource is reset, when its maximum usage limit is reached:
Sets the global availability to Yes.
Sets the global availability to No.
Sets the global availability to blank.
MAXLIMIT The number of allocations of this resource after which the resource global availability is changed to the value specified by Max Usage Type.
QUANTITY A value from 0 to 999 999.
AVAIL Whether the resource is available, Y or N.
MATCHTYP This argument is required when spaces, asterisks (*) or percent signs (%) form part of the name of the object, to indicate how to treat the special characters.
Use the name exactly as typed, treating asterisks (*) and percent signs (%) as characters to include in the name.
Treat as a prefix match, to find an item beginning with what was typed but treating asterisks (*) and percent signs (%) as characters included in the name.
Treat as a suffix match, to find an item ending with what was typed but treating asterisks (*) and percent signs (%) as characters included in the name.