HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF requests

A command within the HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF is known as a request. HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF requests shows, at a high level, different types of PIF requests.

Table 1. HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF requests
Request Read/Write Acts upon Purpose
DELETE WRITE Database and Plans Deletes objects
EXECUTE WRITE Current Plan Commits updates to the Current Plan
INIT Starts a session with a controller
INSERT WRITE Database and Plans Creates a new record or segment
LIST READ Database and Plans Searches for records
MODIFY WRITE Plans Updates records in the plans
OPTIONS Sets session options
REPLACE WRITE Database Updates records in the database
RESET Current Plan Abandons updates to the Current Plan
SELECT READ Database and Plans Reads a single record
SETSTAT WRITE Current Plan Changes a condition status
TERM Terminates a session with a controller

INIT and TERM requests are done for you automatically, though you can do your own INIT and TERM requests many times in a Workload Automation Programming Language session to communicate with different controllers.

For the requests that directly read or write data, you must specify enough of an item key to uniquely identify a single object, with the exception of LIST. The LIST statement is used to find records. From the returned LIST you can derive the unique key for every object found, against which you could then take an action (for example, SELECT, DELETE, MODIFY).

LIST requests are always performed against the Common Segment. However, SELECT requests can be performed against the entire record, to retrieve all the segments or just the common segment.

The requests that write data work in one of the following ways:

  • Database updates are performed by creating the whole record in storage before sending it to HCL Workload Automation for Z. Database updates are handled in Workload Automation Programming Language by Batch Loader constructs.
  • Plan updates are performed by using keywords with the MODIFY or INSERT instructions to alter the values of fields within the object. Plan updates are handled in Workload Automation Programming Language by commands.