OISTART – Period common details (PRCOM segment)

Use the OISTART statement to define the common part of a Calendar.

Table 1. Keywords for OISTART
Keyword Description
ADID The identifier of the application. If you use DBCS characters, they must be entered as a quoted string started by a shift-out and ended by a shift-in.

You must specify ADID.

JOBN The job name of the operation that this OI is for.
DLM Text delimiter. Any character string used to terminate instream text that follows the OISTART statement. The presence of a DLM keyword indicates the immediate following line will be a line of operator instruction text, and any subsequent lines until the character string specified in DLM is encountered on a line by itself.

If DLM is used no OIT statements are needed.

MEMBER You can set the MEMBER keyword only if the OI text is located in a partitioned data set defined by the EQQOIPDS DD statement. It must be free format in columns 1 to 72.
If MEMBER is used, no OIT statements are needed.
Note: The MEMBER keyword cannot be used with the EQQWAPL load module.
OPNO The operation number of the operation that this OI is for.

You must specify OPNO.

VALFROMD The start date of validity of this OI. You must specify this in the format yymmdd. See the notes about VAL* keywords.

The default is the current date if other VAL* keywords are set.

VALFROMT The start time of validity of this OI. You must specify this in the format hhmm. See the notes about VAL* keywords.

The default is the current time if other VAL* keywords are set.

VALTOD The end date of validity of this OI. You must specify this in the format

yymmdd. See the notes about VAL* keywords.

The default is 711231 if other VAL* keywords are set.

VALTOT The end time of validity of this OI. You must specify this in the format

hhmm. See the notes about VAL* keywords.

The default is 2359 if other VAL* keywords are set.

  1. If you do not specify any of these VAL* keywords, HCL Workload Automation for Z assumes that the operator instruction is permanent.
  2. NEW_VALTOD and NEW_VALTOT are not valid for temporary Operator Instructions. They cannot have their validity range changed by NEW keywords. To alter the validity of temporary Operator Instructions they must be deleted and recreated.
The following example shows how to use DLM to specify operator instructions:
If the job fails you need to wake Doug up
Don't worry what the time is, he lives for this kind of thing
Just to be on the safe side, wake him up if the job works as well