LIST-SELECT Common Segment vs Record

For a record type that can have more than one segment, you can retrieve either the whole record, or just the common segment. For large or complex records, the difference between retrieving the common segment over the entire record could be noticeable when retrieving thousands of records. Hence, if all the information you need is in the common segment, ensure that you use the common segment as the resource when running a SELECT command.

If the SELECT statements are being generated as a result of a LIST statement using OPTIONS SELECT(Y) and only the common segment is needed, a LIST statement is sufficient to extract the data you need. Setting OPTIONS SELECT(N) (default) results in smaller records being retrieved and prevents extra requests to HCL Workload Automation for Z for each identified object.

Note: If you need to produce Batch Loader output, you can use only a SELECT command and the complete record must be retrieved.